
Practical Tips for Democratizing Data at Your Company

It feels like everybody’s talking about the benefits of democratizing data in the corporate environment. But what does that actually look like? Opening up data to the company starts with the simple step of granting access, but the more important act is the follow-through: getting people to use data regularly. Here are some tips for getting data in front of employees and encouraging them to actually care about it.


Using Dimensions & Segments in Google Analytics to Propel Your Content Marketing

As online marketers, we all have great web metrics at our fingertips….or do we? Using hard facts to support business decisions requires two things: reliable data and knowing the key performance indicators of the business in an online context. I have been using Google Analytics for 10 years (since just months after the Urchin acquisition), […] #neilpatel


Ep.22: The Underdog Advantage

In this Episode: 1. Am I tripping or…Baby #2 gets no love 2. Les Brown interrupts podcast with bad News 3. Why the underdog mentality is a huge asset. 4. What’s life like on the road with ET 5. ET’s nugget of the day – It won’t always be like this… Click here to listen #motivation


13 Actionable SEO Tips You Can Use Today

Tired of the same old same old SEO tips? This is the post for you. Ross Hudgens of Siege Media breaks down some new strategies that have only recently become relevant in the SEO world. Tips include things like remove your meta descriptions to increase CTR, using

to get in Google’s Answer box, and more.


Why Linear Funnels Are a Simplified Reality (and What to Do About It)

We’re all used to thinking in terms of the funnel: AARRR but we know deep down that they’re oversimplified. So what do we do about it and is this simple model keeping us from growing our business?


5 Top Urgency Tactics You Can Use to Boost ecommerce Conversions Today

I think a lot about ecommerce conversion optimization. If you’re marketing an ecommerce shop, you probably do too—or you should.

No matter how much traffic your shop has, there are steps you can take to optimize your site.

One important tactic you can test is urgency.

Urgency is one of the oldest tricks in a marketer’s playbook.

What is Urgency?

Urgency is one of the oldest tricks in a marketer’s playbook. You’ve seen it in action before:

* Buy now and get free shipping
* Only 2 left in stock
* Offer expires in an hour
* Buy before midnight or the price goes up

But how well does it work? In what scenarios does it work best, and when does it fall flat? Turns out, there’s a science to urgency as well as an art to execution.


How Sticker Mule Is Growing Into An International Ecommerce Company

The shift from domestic to international business can be treacherous and difficult to navigate. Here are the 13 steps we are taking to make this growth opportunity successful.


Guest Blogging Strategy: How To Knock Your Next Guest Post Out Of The Park

Does this sound familiar?

The problem with guest blogging is that it isn’t a magic bullet for blog growth.

And some of your guest posts will fade into obscurity, only to gather dust on someone else’s blog.

But the truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Today, I’ll show you how to gain a competitive advantage over other guest bloggers that are vying for the same attention that you are.

You’ll learn how to make your content stand out, how to choose the right sites to contribute to and how to get more clients.

You’ll also learn 4 blog post types that will dramatically increase your visibility.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Quick links:

* Where most guest bloggers go wrong (and what happens when you get it right) 
* 7 smart tips to take your strategy from shaky to rock solid
* 4 types of blog posts that will make you an instant hit


I Know What You’re Feeling: an Inside Look at Unruly’s Emotional Analytics

Unruly is ad tech company that uses data, tech and emotional targeting to get video ads seen by the people who will like and engage with them most. (That last bit is crucial) Why emotional targeting?

Studies show that people rely on emotions to make most decisions — including buying decisions.

* fMRI neuro-imagery shows that consumers primarily use emotions, rather than features and facts to make decisions.
* Research reveals that the emotional response to an ad has far greater influence on a consumer’s reported intent to buy than does the ad’s actual content.

How do you do emotional targeting and is it creepy?

I interviewed Devra Prywes, VP of Marketing and Insight at Unruly, to get the scoop on how her company feels us out.


Get Your Custom Infographic from this Design Team

A picture is worth a thousand words. What if you could combine multiple pictures with multiple words in an elegant and visually attractive way? Infographics have become all the rage and for good reason. They’re approachable, they’re informative, and they have the potential to go viral. If you don’t have the design skills to make one of your own (and […]
